Jacky Kuo: 實作力就是你的超能力!Problem-solving, Project Management and Management in Businesses.


由林鈺杰博士指導之「企業諮詢方法與實務」課程,在3月15日(五)邀請到深耕IT產業多年,具有豐富專案管理經驗的郭仕杰講師(Jacky Kuo)前來和同學分享專案管理(project management)相關概念和實務。

在上半節演講,為幫助同學快速理解專案管理的概念,講師Jacky藉由過往工作經驗(development of tablet PC)進行解說,讓同學可以了解如:產品開發專案生命週期流程、專案團隊在實務上的應用。在演講中講師亦提醒大家專案團隊應該要有定期的review meeting檢視專案進度,以及視情況召開executive meeting,由上位者協助專案團隊無法決策之問題。

Jacky在下半節演講則深入探討專案管理的定義以及重要概念,並分析專案中的Project manager和Program manager兩者在職責上的差異。此外,Jacky也提到在進行企業專案時,同學可以運用專案管理原則(Project Management basics) ,希望每次進行專案前同學在心中都能有清楚的架構,並謹記在專案邁入下一階段前最好和決策者有更多討論。


Our NSYSU alumni, Jacky Kuo, was invited back to NSYSU by Dr. Yu Jie Lin, hoping to share some of his experiences in the real business world. Jacky’s vision in project management brought him success in the IT industry and he therefore wishes to pass the vision on to his fellow NSYSU future managers.

During the first half of the speech, in order to help students understand the concept of project management, Jacky patiently explained his past experience in development of tablet PC, then shared how business manage it product life-cycle, and how to apply team efforts to the management of product life. He also mentioned the importance of team review meetings, to monitor the progress of the projects, and further call for executive meetings depending on the progress, to help smoothen the decision-making process.

Jacky then went on discussing the definition and important concepts of project management, which distinguishes itself from program management. Moreover, Jacky also mentioned how students can utilise project management basics at the beginning of a project, and to include the decision-makers before heading into the next stage of the project.

Jacky wishes that his speech can be helpful to students regarding both their academic life and their future. Lastly, he generously offered his help to the students to always contact him when it comes to more project-management-related discussion.